Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gambling in Nevada

So Mitt recovered today by snagging the endoresement of The Donald. Newt was apparently surprised since he thought it was coming to him.

Not everyone is convinced that Trump's backing will be an advantage for Mitt in Nevada, but we'll soon find out.

The sticky part of today was the replaying of Romney's recent statement (referred to as a gaffe), "I like to fire people." With glee the press connected it to "The Apprentice" where Trump's job was to fire people. It all sounds so heartless.

In case anyone remembers, Romney original statement referred to being able to fire service providers such as insurance carriers who don't measure up. This statement, like many others has developed a life of its own. Mitt may find it eventually carved into his tombstone.

Plunder the Blunder: What you think is a tight little sound bite may come back to bite you.

WITTicism: When in doubt, leave it out.

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